GROUP BY ALL in Snowflake
The GROUP BY ALL clause is similar to GROUP BY clause except that it automatically include all non-aggregate items in the SELECT clause for grouping.
The GROUP BY ALL clause is similar to GROUP BY clause except that it automatically include all non-aggregate items in the SELECT clause for grouping.
Learn how to find and kill long running queries in Snowflake using the QUERY_HISTORY table functions available under Information Schema.
Snowflake provides GET_DDL Function using which DDL of database objects like tables, views, procedures etc., can be extracted.
Learn different ways to remove duplicate records from a Snowflake table using SWAP WITH and INSERT OVERWRITE commands.
Snowflake Resource Monitors assist in cost management and prevent unforeseen credit usage caused by operating warehouses.
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a read-only schema available automatically under each database. It stores metadata of all the objects built under the database.
A Virtual warehouse is a cluster of compute resources which provides required resources such as CPU, memory, and temporary storage in Snowflake.
A Snowflake Task allows scheduled execution of SQL statements including calling a stored procedure or Procedural logic using Snowflake Scripting.
A Stream is a Snowflake object that provides change data capture (CDC) capabilities to track the changes in a table.
Snowflake’s Zero Copy Cloning feature is a quick and easy way to create copies of database objects without incurring any additional costs.