QUALIFY in Snowflake: Filter Window Functions
QUALIFY clause in a SELECT statement allows you to filter query results of Window functions within the same query.
QUALIFY clause in a SELECT statement allows you to filter query results of Window functions within the same query.
The GROUP BY ALL clause is similar to GROUP BY clause except that it automatically include all non-aggregate items in the SELECT clause for grouping.
Learn how to find and kill long running queries in Snowflake using the QUERY_HISTORY table functions available under Information Schema.
Snowflake provides GET_DDL Function using which DDL of database objects like tables, views, procedures etc., can be extracted.
Learn different ways to remove duplicate records from a Snowflake table using SWAP WITH and INSERT OVERWRITE commands.
Snowflake Resource Monitors assist in cost management and prevent unforeseen credit usage caused by operating warehouses.
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a read-only schema available automatically under each database. It stores metadata of all the objects built under the database.
A Virtual warehouse is a cluster of compute resources which provides required resources such as CPU, memory, and temporary storage in Snowflake.
A Snowflake Task allows scheduled execution of SQL statements including calling a stored procedure or Procedural logic using Snowflake Scripting.
A Stream is a Snowflake object that provides change data capture (CDC) capabilities to track the changes in a table.