HOW TO: Check Secure Agent Status in Informatica Cloud (IICS)?

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The Informatica Cloud Secure Agent is a lightweight program that runs all tasks and enables secure communication across the firewall between your organization and Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services. If the Secure Agent loses connectivity to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services, the tasks running on the Secure Agent fails. In such cases it is important to verify the Secure Agent Status before restarting the Secure Agent.

Below are several ways using which Informatica Cloud Secure Agent Status can be checked.

  1. Administrator
  2. Command Line
  4. Secure Agent Manager (Windows only)
  5. Operational Insights

Let us discuss in detail how to check Secure Agent Status using each method in this article.

Checking Secure Agent Status from IICS Administrator

To view the Secure Agent Status from Informatica Cloud Administrator Service, follow below steps.

  1. In Administrator, select Runtime Environments.
  2. On the Runtime Environments page, click on the required Secure Agent.
  3. If you have a Secure Agent Group, you might have to expand the Secure Agent group to see the list of Secure Agents within the group.
  4. In the Details tab, you can view the Secure Agent Status along with other details of Secure Agent.
  5. Scroll down to Agent Service Details to view each individual Secure Agent Service Status.

To refresh the status of Secure Agent, use Refresh Status button on top right corner of the page.

Secure Agent status in IICS Administrator
Secure Agent status in IICS Administrator

The Secure Agent Status can also be viewed from Data Integration Home page. Clicking on the Secure Agent name will redirect to Administrator > Runtime Environments page.

Secure Agent Status in Data Integration
Secure Agent Status in Data Integration

Checking Secure Agent Status from Command Line

To view the Secure Agent Status from Command line, follow below steps.

1. From command line navigate to below directory

<Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/agentcore

2. To view the Secure Agent Status in Linux, run below command.

./ getstatus

3. To view the Secure Agent Status in Windows, run below command

consoleAgentManager.bat getstatus

When all Secure Agent services are Up and Running, the status from standard output will be READY as shown below.

Secure Agent Status from Windows Command line
Secure Agent Status from Windows Command line

To refresh the Secure Agent Status from command line, run below command

./ updatestatus

consoleAgentManager.bat updatetstatus

Checking Secure Agent Status using IICS REST API

To view the Secure Agent Status using IICS REST API, follow below steps

  1. Login to Informatica Cloud using either REST V2 or REST V3 Login resource. Get the baseUrl and sessionID from the login response that you need to include in subsequent REST API calls.
  2. Get the Secure Agent Status using the REST V2 agent resource.

For the demonstration we will be using Postman to make REST API calls.   

1. Login into Informatica Cloud using REST V2 Login resource

To login in to your Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services organization using REST V2 login resource with North America as POD region, use the following request:

Request Method: POST

Request URL:

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

"@type": "login",
"username": "your-username",
"password": "your-password"

From the response tab, collect the serverUrl and icSessionId details to use in subsequent calls.

IICS Login - Postman
IICS Login – Postman

2. Get the Secure Agent Status using the REST V2 agent resource

To get the Secure Agent Status using REST V2 agent resource, use the following request.

Request Method: GET

Request URL: <serverUrl>/api/v2/agent

Accept: application/json
icSessionId: <icSessionId>
Get Secure Agent Status - Postman
Get Secure Agent Status – Postman

If there are multiple Secure Agents, status of all Secure Agents will be displayed in the response. To get the status of a particular Secure Agent, you can include the Secure Agent ID or the Secure Agent name in the URI. Use one of the following URIs.

Request URL:

The Secure Agent status is indicated by the “active” field in the JSON response. It is a Boolean field. true indicates Active and false indicates Inactive.

3. Get the Secure Agent Services Status using REST API

To view the Status of individual Secure Agent Services using IICS REST API, use the following request.

Request Method: GET

Request URL: <serverUrl>/api/v2/agent/details

Accept: application/json
icSessionId: <icSessionId>
Get Secure Agent Services Status - Postman
Get Secure Agent Services Status – Postman

The Secure Agent Service details are displayed under AgentEngine in the response. Several details of service are available including the Name of the service and its Status as highlighted above.

To request the details about the services that run on a particular Secure Agent, include the agent ID in the URI as shown below

Request URL:

Checking Secure Agent Status from Secure Agent Manager

The Secure Agent Status can also be viewed from Secure Agent Manager in Windows. To view status using Secure Agent Manager, follow below steps.

1. Launch Informatica Cloud Secure Agent application from Start menu as administrator.

2. Once the Secure Agent Manager is active, you can click the Informatica Cloud Secure Agent Manager icon in the Windows taskbar notification area to open the Secure Agent Manager.

3. If all the services are Up and Running, the status in secure agent manager will be as below.

Status from Secure Agent Manager when all services are Up and Running
Status from Secure Agent Manager when all services are Up and Running

4. If not all services are Up and Running, the status in secure agent manager will be as below.

Status from Secure Agent Manager when NOT all services are Up and Running
Status from Secure Agent Manager when NOT all services are Up and Running

5. You can further view more details by clicking on click here for more details.

Secure Agent Manger showing various status of services
Secure Agent Manger showing various status of services

We can view the number of services that are currently Running, Deploying, Stopped, Restarted and services with unknown status from Secure Agent Manager.

Checking Secure Agent Status from Operational Insights

To view the Secure Agent Status from Operational Insights, follow below steps

  1. Login into Informatica Cloud and open Operational Insights service.
  2. Navigate to All Infrastructure > Secure Agents & Groups.
  3. Click on the Secure Agent name for which you want to view the details.
  4. You can view the Resource Utilization of the Secure Agent over a period of time along with status of each Agent Service.
  5. You can also optionally set alerts to send emails to IICS users or group of users when an issue occurs with Secure Agent.

Related Articles:

  • Informatica Cloud Advanced Serverless
  • Informatica Cloud Data Integration Elastic (CDI-E)
  • HOW TO: Re-register existing Informatica Cloud Secure Agent to new IICS Org without reinstalling

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