HOW TO: Restart Informatica Cloud (IICS) Secure Agent?

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The Informatica Cloud Secure Agent is a lightweight program that runs all tasks and enables secure communication across the firewall between your organization and Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services. If the Secure Agent loses connectivity to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services, the tasks running on the Secure Agent fails. In such cases you can check the status of Secure Agent and manually stop or start the Secure Agent.

Stopping and Starting Secure Agent on Linux

To restart Secure Agent on a Linux machine, follow below steps.

1. From the command line, navigate to agentcore directory in the Secure Agent installed directory.

cd <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/agentcore

2. To stop the Secure Agent, enter the following command. It might take few minutes for all the services to shut down.

./infaagent shutdown

3. To start the Secure Agent, enter the following command.

./infaagent startup

You can view the Secure Agent status from Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services or from a Linux command line.

Stopping and Starting Secure Agent on Windows

The Secure Agent on Windows machine can be restarted using different methods.

  1. Using Secure Agent Manager
  2. From Windows Services Menu
  3. From Windows Command Prompt

Method-1: Restarting Secure Agent from Secure Agent Manager

The Secure Agent Manager displays the Secure Agent status. To restart Secure Agent using Secure Agent Manager follow below steps.

1. Navigate to Start Menu to launch the Secure Agent Manger. You need have administrative privileges to launch the application.

Launching Secure Agent Manger from Start Menu
Launching Secure Agent Manger from Start Menu

2. If you are not logged in as Administrator, click on open file location, right click on the Secure Agent Manager application and select Run as administrator to launch the Secure Agent Manager.

Launching the Secure Agent Manger App as an Administrator
Launching the Secure Agent Manger App as an Administrator

3. Once the Secure Agent Manager is active, you can click the Informatica Cloud Secure Agent Manager icon in the Windows taskbar notification area to open the Secure Agent Manager.

Secure Agent Manger showing all services are running on Secure Agent
Secure Agent Manger showing all services are running on Secure Agent

4. To stop the Secure Agent from the Secure Agent Manager, click Stop.

Stopping Secure Agent from Secure Agent Manger
Stopping Secure Agent from Secure Agent Manger

5. To restart the Secure Agent, click Restart. The Secure Agent Manager stops all the services first and restarts them. The Secure Agent Manager displays a message when the all services are up and Running again.

When you close the Secure Agent Manager, it minimizes to the Windows taskbar notification tray. Closing the Secure Agent Manager does not stop the Secure Agent.

Method-2: Restarting Secure Agent from Windows Services Menu

To restart Secure Agent from Windows Services menu, follow below steps.

1. Navigate to Start Menu, search Run and launch the application.

2. In the Run application, enter services.msc and click OK.

Launching Windows Services menu from Run
Launching Windows Services menu from Run

3. In the Services menu, select Informatica Cloud Secure Agent. You will find options to Stop or Restart the Secure Agent on left top side of the menu.

Secure Agent application in Windows Services Menu
Secure Agent application in Windows Services Menu

Method-3: Restarting Secure Agent from Windows Command Prompt

To restart Secure Agent from Windows Command prompt, follow below steps.

1. Navigate to Start menu and launch the command prompt in administrative mode (Right click on command prompt and select Run as Administrator)

2. Navigate to agentcore directory in the Secure Agent installed directory.

cd <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/agentcore

2. To stop the Secure Agent, enter the following command. It might take few minutes for all the services to shut down.

infaagent.exe shutdown

3. To start the Secure Agent, enter the following command.

infaagent.exe startup

You can view the Secure Agent status from Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services or from Secure Agent Manager or from Windows command prompt.

Stopping and Starting Individual Secure Agent Services from Administrator

By default, each Secure Agent in an organization runs several microservices that are used for data processing in the organization. All the microservices will be stopped and restarted when the Secure Agent is restarted. Additionally you can stop and start the microservices to perform troubleshooting, optimize resources on the agent machine, or make configuration changes.

Starting and Stopping Secure Agent Services

Stopping a Secure Agent Service from Administrator

You can stop a Secure Agent service that is in the “Up and Running” or “Error” state. To Stop a Secure Agent Service, follow below steps

1. In Administrator, select Runtime Environments.

2. On the Runtime Environments page, click on the required Secure Agent.

3. If you have a Secure Agent Group, you might have to expand the Secure Agent group to see the list of Secure Agents within the group.

4. In the Details tab, scroll down to Agent Service Start or Stop area, from the drop down menu select the service that you want to stop.

5. Click Stop.

The Secure Agent service stops, and Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services adds an entry in the Audit log indicating that the service was stopped by a user.

If you stop a Secure Agent service and then restart the Secure Agent, the service remains stopped until you start it.

Starting a Secure Agent Service from Administrator

You can start a Secure Agent service that is in the “Stopped” state. Starting a Secure Agent service starts the latest version of the service.

To Stop a Secure Agent Service, follow below steps

1. In Administrator, select Runtime Environments.

2. On the Runtime Environments page, click on the required Secure Agent.

3. If you have a Secure Agent Group, you might have to expand the Secure Agent group to see the list of Secure Agents within the group.

4. In the Details tab, scroll down to Agent Service Start or Stop area, from the drop down menu select the service that you want to start.

5. Click Start.

Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services attempts to start the Secure Agent service. After the service starts, the status changes to “Up and Running“. If the Secure Agent service fails to start, check the Audit log to find the cause of the error.

Stopping and Starting Individual Secure Agent Services using IICS REST API

The Secure Agent services can be stopped and started using Informatica Cloud REST V3 resources. No REST resources are available yet to stop or start entire Secure Agent.

Follow below steps to stop or start a Secure Agent service using IICS REST API.

  1. Login to Informatica Cloud using either REST V2 or REST V3 Login resource. Get the baseUrl and sessionID from the login response that you need to include in subsequent REST API calls.
  2. Get the Secure Agent ID details using the REST V3 Lookup resource.
  3. Using the REST V3 agentservice resource start or stop a Secure Agent service.

For the demonstration we will be using Postman to make REST API calls.

STEP-1: Login into Informatica Cloud using Login resource

To login in to your Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services organization using REST API Version3 resource with North America as POD region, use the following request:

Request Method: POST

Request URL:

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

"username": "your-username ",
"password": "your-password"

From the response tab, collect the baseApiUrl and sessionId details to use in subsequent calls.

Login into IICS from Postman
Login into IICS from Postman

STEP-2: Get the Secure Agent ID details using Lookup resource

To get the Secure Agent ID details use the following request.

Request Method: POST

Request URL: <baseApiUrl>/public/core/v3/lookup

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "objects": [{
        "path": "<Agent Name>",
        "type": "Agent"

Collect the Secure Agent ID details from the response as highlighted below.

Get Agent ID details
Get Agent ID details

STEP-3: Start or Stop Secure Agent Service using agentservice resource

To stop or start a Secure Agent Service, use the following request.

Request Method: POST

Request URL: <baseApiUrl>/public/core/v3/agent/service

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "serviceName":"<service name>",
    "agentId":"<agent ID>"

The allowed values for serviceName are Data Integration Server, Common Integration Components, Mass Ingestion etc. The allowed values for serviceAction are start or stop.

The below example shows successful request to stop the Data Integration Server service.

Stopping a Service from Postman
Stopping a Service from Postman

The below example shows successful request to start the Data Integration Server service.

Starting a Service from Postman
Starting a Service from Postman

After you send a POST request to start or stop a Secure Agent service, you can check the status of the service using the REST API V2 agent resource.

Related Articles:

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  • Informatica Cloud Data Integration Elastic (CDI-E)
  • HOW TO: Re-register existing Informatica Cloud Secure Agent to new IICS Org without reinstalling

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