HOW TO: Drop a Column from a Snowpark DataFrame?

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The “DataFrame.drop()” method can be used to drop a column from a Snowflake Snowpark DataFrame. It returns a new DataFrame that excludes the columns with the specified names from the output.



Consider the following DataFrame as the source for demonstrating dropping a column in a Snowpark DataFrame.

data = [[1,'TONY',100],

df = session.createDataFrame(data, schema=["ID","NAME","SALARY"])

|"ID"  |"NAME"  |"SALARY"  |
|1     |TONY    |100       |
|2     |STEVE   |400       |
|3     |BRUCE   |300       |
|4     |THOR    |200       |

1. Dropping a Column from a Snowpark DataFrame

The following code demonstrates how to drop a column named “SALARY” from the DataFrame “df” using the drop() method.

df1 = df.drop("SALARY")
|"ID"  |"NAME"  |
|1     |TONY    |
|2     |STEVE   |
|3     |BRUCE   |
|4     |THOR    |

2. Dropping Multiple Columns from a Snowpark DataFrame

The following code demonstrates how to drop a multiple columns named “ID” and “SALARY” from the DataFrame “df” using the drop() method.

df2 = df.drop("ID","SALARY")
|"NAME"  |
|TONY    |
|STEVE   |
|BRUCE   |
|THOR    |

3. Dropping All Columns from a Snowpark DataFrame

Snowpark does not support dropping all columns from a DataFrame. If you try to drop all columns, it throws an error stating “Cannot drop all columns”.

The following code demonstrates that trying to drop all columns from a DataFrame results in an error.

>>> df.drop("ID","NAME","SALARY")
raise SnowparkClientExceptionMessages.DF_CANNOT_DROP_ALL_COLUMNS()
snowflake.snowpark.exceptions.SnowparkColumnException: (1101): Cannot drop all columns


In this article, we have learned how to drop columns from a Snowflake Snowpark DataFrame with examples. We also covered that dropping all columns from a Snowpark DataFrame is not allowed and results in error.

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