Snowflake Editions Quiz

Welcome to your Snowflake Editions Quiz

Dynamic Data Masking is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Materialized Views are supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Automatic encryption of all data is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Row Level Security is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Database and share replication is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Extended Time Travel is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Dedicated metadata store is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Network Policies are supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Data Sharing is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

SCIM Security Integration is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Support for HIPPA, PCI DSS, FedRAMP is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

AWS Privatelink/Azure Privatelink/Google Cloud Private Service Connect are supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Multi-cluster virtual warehouses are supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Failover and failback between Snowflake accounts is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

Apart from Database and share, replication of all other objects is supported from which Snowflake Edition and above?

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