Introduction to Snowflake Stored Procedures
Stored procedures allow you to write procedural code that executes business logic by combining multiple SQL statements.
Stored procedures allow you to write procedural code that executes business logic by combining multiple SQL statements.
A Row Access Policy is a schema-level object that is assigned to a table or view and determines whether a given row in them can be viewed by a user.
Row-Level Security is a security mechanism that limits the records returned from a database table based on the permissions provided to the currently logged-in user.
Learn step-by-step procedure on how to create a mapping task in Informatica Cloud using mttask REST API resource.
Learn how to update mapping task using mttask REST API resource in Informatica Cloud and various use cases of updating mapping tasks using REST API.
Snowflake Data Cloud Connector allows connecting to Snowflake from IICS using which you can securely read/write data into Snowflake.
Learn how to find and kill long running queries in Snowflake using the QUERY_HISTORY table functions available under Information Schema.
Snowflake provides GET_DDL Function using which DDL of database objects like tables, views, procedures etc., can be extracted.
A complete collection of top Snowflake Interview questions and answers
A Parameter Set lets you parameterize a taskflow by assigning a parameter file to taskflow which provides values for input parameters.