Data Load using COPY INTO Command in Snowflake
The COPY INTO command in Snowflake is a powerful tool for efficiently loading data from staged files into tables.
The COPY INTO command in Snowflake is a powerful tool for efficiently loading data from staged files into tables.
Explore how Snowflake offers a secure and efficient way to make external API calls directly within its environment.
RESULT_SCAN in Snowflake retrieves the results of a previously executed query and presents them as a virtual table allowing to run subsequent queries
Discover how to delete rows from a DataFrame in Snowpark using Table.update() and Session.sql() methods.
Snowflake Notebooks provide an interactive environment to write, execute, and document SQL and Python code in one interface.
Snowpark allows direct execution of SQL statements using the session.sql() method in conjunction with collect() method.
DATEADD Function in Snowflake calculates a date or timestamp value by adding a specified interval to a given date or timestamp.
A Snowflake Alert allows scheduled execution of conditional SQL statements, enabling users to monitor specific events or thresholds within their environment.
Snowflake offers built-in stored procedures SYSTEM$SEND_EMAIL and SYSTEM$SEND_SNOWFLAKE_NOTIFICATION for sending email notifications.
ASOF JOIN in Snowflake matches each row in one table to the closest row in another table based on a specified condition, typically involving time series data.