Top Informatica Cloud Courses in Udemy
A curated list of top Informatica Cloud courses available on Udemy covering various Informatica Service offerings.
A curated list of top Informatica Cloud courses available on Udemy covering various Informatica Service offerings.
A complete collection of top Informatica Cloud(IICS) interview questions
Ultimate guide to understand how to read metadata in Informatica Cloud
Table.merge() method in Snowpark allows merging the contents of a Snowpark table object with a DataFrame source based on a specified join condition.
Snowpark allows direct execution of SQL statements using the session.sql() method in conjunction with collect() method.
DATEADD Function in Snowflake calculates a date or timestamp value by adding a specified interval to a given date or timestamp.
A Snowflake Alert allows scheduled execution of conditional SQL statements, enabling users to monitor specific events or thresholds within their environment.
Snowflake offers built-in stored procedures SYSTEM$SEND_EMAIL and SYSTEM$SEND_SNOWFLAKE_NOTIFICATION for sending email notifications.
ASOF JOIN in Snowflake matches each row in one table to the closest row in another table based on a specified condition, typically involving time series data.
MIN_BY and MAX_BY are aggregate functions in Snowflake that calculate the minimum or maximum value of a column and return the value of another column in that row.
Learn how to drop a column from a Snowflake Snowpark DataFrame using drop() method with examples.
Learn multiple ways to add a new column to a Snowpark DataFrame that includes adding a column with default value, based on a condition, and adding multiple columns with examples.
The dropDuplicates() method in Snowpark returns a new DataFrame with all duplicate rows removed.